Failed Success {{ notifMessage }}

Assessment Report

This report is still processing. Coderbyte is grading your candidate's solutions for front-end challenges.

Scores Learn about cheating detection

Scores Final
{{ userObject.final_score }}%
{{ assessmentDetails.qualify_score }}%
{{ averageCandidateScore }}%
Challenges {{ userObject.code_score }}% N/A
Multiple choice {{ userObject.mc_score }}% N/A
Open-ended {{ openEndedActuallyAnswered + '/' + openEndedOutput.length + (openEndedOutput.length === 1 ? ' response' : ' responses') }} N/A
Personality test Completed N/A
Cheating Overall
{{ calculcateCheatingScore() }}
Left tab {{ convertSecondsLeftTab(tabLeavingTotalTime, true) }} {{ calculateLeavingTabScore() }}
Pasted from external sources {{ calculateCopyingScore() === 'Likely' ? 'Light copying' : calculateCopyingScore() }}
Plagiarism {{ calculatePlagiarismScore() }}
AI usage {{ calculateAICheating() }}
Suspicious activity {{ calculateSuspiciousActivity() }}

Skill ratings Learn about skill ratings


  • {{ scorecard.title.replace('sharp', '#').replace('pp', '++') }}
  • Recommendation
Last modified by {{ userStats.admin_notes.admin }} on {{ }}

Personality test How to interpet these results

Challenge solutions Create as interview

  • ```{{ removeChatGPTMarkers(userSolutions[challenge.title].code) }}```

    Webcam verification:
    Video response is being processed...
    Plagiarism: the following references or candidates were plagiarised from
    Copy/Paste: the following code was copy & pasted for this challenge
    Reference search: the following phrases were looked up during this challenge
    Leaving tab: this user left the page the following times during this challenge
  • ```{{ removeChatGPTMarkers(userSolutionsUnfinished[challenge.title].code) }}```

Take-home projects

Multiple choice answers This candidate was randomly shown {{ assessmentDetails.weights['randomize-mcq'] }} out of {{ multipleChoiceDetails.length }} questions

Open-ended answers