{{ index + 1 }}. For input {{ testcase.testcases[0] }} and {{ testcase.testcases[1] }} the output was incorrect. The correct output is {{ testcase.correct_answer }}
The output was incorrect. The correct output is
Your output did not match what the challenge specified.
This is the running time of your algorithm expressed in Big-O notation. Big-O notation is used to classify algorithms according to how their run time grows as the input size grows. To learn more here is a guide on how it works.
Above will be the running time of your algorithm expressed in Big-O notation. Big-O notation is used to classify algorithms according to how their run time grows as the input size grows. To learn more here is a video we published on this topic, and here is a guide on how it works.
It may take a few minutes for it to finish calculating.
Big-O notation is used to classify algorithms according to how their run time grows as the input size grows. To learn more here is a guide on how it works.
This challenge does not support runtime calculation.
Above will be the running time of your algorithm expressed in Big-O notation. Big-O notation is used to classify algorithms according to how their run time grows as the input size grows. To learn more here is a guide on how it works.
Your solution needs to pass all the test cases for the runtime to be calculated.
You do not have permission to view this solution.
You need to be a premium member to see this user's solution to the challenge.
Your output will appear here.
Your output will appear here.
This user scored higher than {{ chartPlaceholders.scoreHigher }}% of users who solved this challenge.
This user solved this challenge in {{ resultInfo.scoring.userTime === '0' ? ('< ' + 0) : resultInfo.scoring.userTime }} minutes. The majority of users solved it in about {{ chartPlaceholders.majorityTime }} minutes.